Sunday, July 22, 2012

9 Ways to Become a Better MMA Fighter

You want to be a better MMA Fighter, so what is your next step? Some of you are just getting started out and some of you are at an accomplished level, but at a standstill. There are many recipes for success, but here are a few areas you want to make sure you have covered:

1. Find an MMA team. None of us can do this alone, we all need a co-support system, a synergy that encourages and inspires us. When you go out into the ring, you are alone in that battle for a moment, but you have a team that is your big support, just feet away, and they are cheering you on. Get with a group of people who have a team mentality as well. If you cannot find a team in your hometown, start one of your own. Get in touch with a local gym, ask them for a collaborative MMA effort, and get your group started.

2. Get some MMA gear. We are not saying that you have to go out and spend $1000 of fitness clothing and equipment, but get a few items that contribute to you having the mentality of an athlete. It is not necessarily what you wear or the price you pay for it; but your apparel can greatly inspire you to reach for more and influence others.

3. Get an MMA workout schedule. Set your workout times daily to train yourself to be responsible for your fitness. If you have a personal trainer who wakes you up at 6am every morning, throws you in the shower and then takes you out for a run and to workout, that is great. Everyone does not have that luxury, but with a little discipline, you can create a schedule and workout plan that will stand strong in the fitness world. Do not expect to randomly stop by the gym once a week and become a champion. This is hard work and making a stringent schedule is definitely a big piece of the success puzzle.

4. Eat like a MMA Fighter: Start shopping for your meals so you know exactly what you are eating. Getting an eating schedule together is a great idea too. Plan your breakfast, lunch and dinner out for the next 7 days and try it out. Ok, block a couple of those times out for date night, a meal with friends etc, but that is the exception, not the rule. When going out to eat, stay away from "fast food" and "greasy spoon" restaurants. Find the local homegrown eateries in your community that support local farmers and distributors by using their seafood, meats and vegetables. If you want to be successful, watch what you eat.

5. Get MMA healthy. There are plenty of dietary, weight loss and muscle mass supplements you can find on the market today. Some work, some do not work, and some work much better than others. One of the fastest growing companies growing Nationwide is Body By Vi - ViSalus. They have developed and branded a health shake that will help you lose body fat and get healthier. Gaining the proper muscle mass is something many of you are looking for. Many Gyms, Fitness Instructors, MMA fighters, UFC fighters, Personal Trainers, Dietitians are others are flocking toward this product. 90 days on this product and results have been sure to follow for many.

6. Drink like a MMA Fighter. Drink healthy. Alcohol should not be your close friend. If you are at a party, cut those cocktails in half, then cut them in half again at the next party; or just quit drinking all together. The number of beers we can drink does not determine our success in the MMA World; and many times it could hinder the potential of your MMA goals and career.

7. Get MMA smokeless and tobacco free. Smoking is detrimental for everyone, much more for athletes. If you are serious about your health, smoking tobacco etc and/or chewing is not for you. If going "cold turkey" seems impossible, patches and electronic cigarettes, and several great campaigns have helped many get started on their smoke-free journey.

8. Go MMA drug-free. It should go without saying, but sometimes it is missed. To be on a fair plain with other human beings and MMA Fighters, steroids are illegal and never acceptable. In addition to this, illegal drugs including Marijuana should not be a part of you diet. Live "Above the Influence"

9. Keep MMA an art. Mixed Martials Arts is a full contact combat sport, but it is also a form of art. Your fighting style, fairness, lifestyle, education, personal relationships, business relations and people skills should improve along with your MMA goals. Remember to balance yourself on all levels so your life becomes better and brighter on a daily basis.

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